If you are wearing a red color suit, why not go the extra mile and wear a red fedora hat and really make a memorable impression. The red fedora dress hat like the Untouchable pictured here are just made for style to happen and complete the entire ensemble you're driving for. Made of stiff 100% wool felt with a stiff brim and satin lined the way any proper red fedora hat should be. Our collection of classic Men's Felt Hats won't let you down. Sure, it's not everyday that you would wear a red fedora hat but if the occasion comes up either for an event or a costume or even a theatrical production that calls for one, you'll know that Contempo Suits has them for you in every size you need.
- 100% Wool Felt
- Grosgrain Ribbon
- Removable Feather
- 4 inch high crown
- pinched front crown
- Flip down brim
- 2 1/4 inch wide brim
- Leather hat band
- Satin lining